Meet the One-in-a-Melon, Kornicki family


Here at Watermelon Swim, our mission is to grow a community full of safer swimmers and reduce the risks while increasing confidence in and around water. Our life’s passion is spreading awareness and education on the importance of water safety. With Florida leading the country in drowning deaths of children ages 1- 4, fostering a community of confident swimmers has never been more important.  

Did you know that participating in formal, continuous swim lessons reduces the risk of drowning in children ages 1-4 by 88%? At Watermelon Swim our goal is to ensure that every child feels safer and confident in the water. For over 40 years, our organization has worked vigilantly to educate the Tampa Bay community on drowning prevention all while creating generations of strong swimmers. 

Finding yourself or your family in a water emergency is often unimaginable. Possessing the necessary tools and knowledge in those situations can be the difference between life and death. This testimonial from one of our South Tampa Melon families is why we do what we do. While our hope is that no family should find themselves in a situation as critical as this one, we are overjoyed that the skills learned at Watermelon Swim resulted in a safe outcome for this family. This is our WHY! 

“Last week we were on vacation in Mexico. During a boat excursion the boat capsized while my children (almost 2-year-old, level 2 swimmer and 4-year-old, level 5 swimmer), their cousin (8-year-old), my wife, the tour guide, and myself were all in the boat. We all had life jackets on. My wife’s foot was caught by a rope trapping her under the boat. When I looked for my children, I saw that they were doing what Watermelon practiced. The 4-year-old is treading in her life jacket holding hands with the floating 2-year-old and 8-year-old. My 4-year-old daughter looked at me yelling I got them dad! At that moment I did not have to decide whether to save my wife or my kids. I knew my kids were safe. After helping my wife, we yelled for help getting the attention of a different resort boat. Once on the boat we looked for the children. They were all together, calm as if falling off the boat was no big deal. If it were not for Watermelon Swim lessons, we may have been a statistic in the news. Thank you!” 

With five locations in the Tampa Bay area, Watermelon Swim offers year-round indoor swim lessons to people of all ages and abilities. Our instructors are CPR, First Aid, Water Safety, Special Abilities and Lifeguard certified all while providing a fun and comfortable environment to gain the confidence and skills you need in the water.  

The world is 71% water, and your child is 100% curious. Swim lessons save lives. So, what are you waiting for? Call Watermelon Swim today and become part of the Melon family of safer and confident swimmers!